The third run of the rally on Sept. 28 was from Trinidad CO over historic Raton Pass and through its tunnel, to Raton NM. The is was the most economical run of the trip, $11.00 per person, as well as the shortest, about 1 hour. The AMTRAK train was a few minutes late. We were treated very well, We were ushered to an empty car and a conductor spent much of the hour with us acting as a docent.
Our group picture was on the platform as the traditional shot in front of the locomotive was not in the cards because of the short stop made there.
Our locomotive pulling up to the passenger platform. A few other passengers boarded there too.
Views of historic buildings from the observation car on the CO side of the pass.
The observation car was quite crowded.
This is typical of the terrain passed in the uphill run to the tunnel. The ruling grade on the CO side was 3.4% and 3.28% on the NM side.
We learned that the tunnel at 7588 ft. was the highest point on the ATSF.
This is the NM end of the tunnel. For many years Raton Pass was on the mainline of the Santa Fe, with double tracks through two tunnels. The first one was abandoned in 1949. Now the less steep mainline swings southwest in Kansas, passing through western Ok and northwest Tx to reach NM south of Albuquerque.
The docent of the Santa Fe Trail museum in Raton gave us a great tour of the museum at the end of our ride. The museum was roomy and exhibits were presented well. The Raton Chamber of Commerce Tourism department arranged this tour for us.
This building in downtown Raton was built before WW II. The swastikas in the trim represented the nearby coal mining town of Swastika.
Colorado & Southern depot at Trinidad, now a restaurant, where most of us had dinner Sat. night.
The Simons hosted continental breakfasts for the group parked in the group campground at Trinidad State Park. Our six motor homes all had an electrical hookup despite just 4 electrical posts.
Thanks for sharing what looked like a great rally.