Sunday, November 10, 2013


I traded one of my banked timeshare weeks for a week in a two bedroom unit at  Mayan Palace, 22 miles outside Puerto Penasco, so we could introduce Jo’s sister Arla to a Mexican resort.The town popularly is called Rocky Point  by us Gringos! Some of our group of seven have visited there several times. This was the third visit for Jo and me. Jo and I drove there in our Prius, getting 50 mpg round trip per the car computer.  We were there  from Oct. 26 to Nov. 2.

These pictures  were taken by a recently-acquired used Canon 350 D 8 mp camera, a digital single lens reflex. It sure is nice to use that kind of a viewfinder again, despite its much greater bulk compared to my point and shoot Canon A1100 IS.


Mike and Barbara preferred to lounge and read on the beach.


They often were joined by Laura (Barbara’s daughter) and Jeff, Jo’s son.


Jo preferred sitting by the pool. This picture  was an experimental picture using the camera in its black and white mode.


I usually chose the lounge chair in the shade!


This day was so clear that an island several miles out in the Sea of Cortez was visible.   The body of water is relatively shallow, leaving a wide beach even at high tide.


Our three rooms were on the first floor behind the two palm trees. We had a short walk to the pool and beach.


Jeff could not resist the bungee jumping machine.


He quickly learned how to do back flips.


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The maid sometimes left little statues made out of folded  towels.


Here are several of our group having dinner at the restaurant at the resort. We drove the 22 miles into town for dinner three times.



Sundowns could be spectacular.



A large group, probably an extended family, brought kites with them. At left is one of the acrobatic kites. It takes a crew of two to run it, one to get it back in the air after frequent crashes. At right is a sedate pirate ship kite.


A group of dolphins swam by as we were having dinner in a downtown restaurant. Puerto Penasco supports a large shrimp fleet.IMG_5849

Here is our group at Manny’s restaurant on Wednesday when Jeff and Laura were on their way to return to Mesa. The rest of us stayed until the end of the week. From the left, Jeff Clyde,Jo Strong, Barbara and Mike Williams, Arla Olson and Laura McNurlen.

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